Deb Montgomery has grown accustomed to dwelling in life’s in-between spaces: her art, much like her life, welds together what the world likes to separate. Her lyrics are spools of vulnerability and grit, her voice is an unwavering paradox of grief and joy, and her presence is a palpable strength in weakness. Over the course of twenty years and four records, some film credits, and the pleasure of sharing stages with a plethora of amazing musicians, Montgomery has solidified her ability to write and play with unreserved passion. Fluent in the language of mourning and loss, lament and prayer, raging seas and the ache at the heart of things, Montgomery’s music is a river of empathy, coaxing us towards self-reflection and healing.
"I think of songwriting as my cave wall etchings: sometimes prison walls, sometimes dream walls, sometimes mysteries, and sometimes stories. Songwriting for me has been a way through…"
In a political landscape that currently parallels the often felt inner landscape that ever-invites the choice between Fear and Love, it is her hope that her music and these songs might provide the deepest of company for your heart, mind, and soul.
Photography by Coco Foto